If you find yourself thinking about hooksets or how to fight and land fish, then you’ve already done something right, because fooling a trout is the hardest thing out there. Burying the hook and bringing the fish to hand is another skill set entirely, and it’s a...
Articles With the Tag . . . hook set
Q&A: Blind Striking
One of the things I enjoy most about Troutbitten is the questions and ideas I receive from anglers. Fielding questions every day keeps me in touch with what makes fishermen curious. And hearing new ideas keeps me current. So I’m constantly adding to my backlog of...
Hook Sets Are Not Free
The bite had slowed, and we were back to the technical fishing required to fool wild trout here, day after day. Mike stood upstream and to my right as he threw tight line tuck casts, mostly up and a little across. With the sun over our left shoulders, his angle of...
Podcast: Why Do We Miss Fish, and Why Do We Lose Fish on a Fly? — S3-Ep11
 The Troutbitten Podcast is available everywhere that you listen to your podcasts. ** Note ** The Podcast Player, along with links to your favorite players is below. We all miss fish and lose fish on a fly. Why does it happen? Is it an accident? Is it avoidable? And...
Don’t Guess — Set the Hook and Set Hard
Here’s what I see: Too much guessing. Too much assuming that it’s not a trout rather than assuming that it is. So don’t guess. Set the hook. And set it hard.
If you’re trying to get long drifts, change that. If you’re trying to guess what’s a rock and what’s a trout, change that. If you’re trying to lift the nymph off a rock, and then you realize it was fish — bump buh-bump and gone — change that. I suggest a fundamental shift in your approach . . .