Comments on: Podcast: An Introduction to Night Fishing for Trout — S3-Ep14 Life on the water | Fly fishing for wild trout. Tips, tactics stories and guide service from central Pennsylvania. Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:02:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Domenick Swentosky Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:02:00 +0000 In reply to Matthew Wilson.

I know what you mean.

By: Matthew Wilson Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:31:58 +0000 Thanks Dom. Maybe I haven’t been stealthy enough with my movements.

As for the strike indicators I think the problem I am running into is light pollution and lack of overhead cover. It never seems to get truly dark. Even on a new moon there is enough artificial from nearby man made structure light that I can vaguely make out the edges of the bank. I bet the TB would work better in a remote location where the contrast would be greater. I will give them a try next time I make it up to the mountains.

By: Domenick Swentosky Mon, 20 Mar 2023 01:23:19 +0000 In reply to Matthew Wilson.

Hi Matt.

As far as how much to move, it’s just too conditional. Low and clear water, for example adds another variable, because you’ll spook fish by moving too much and creating waves. Sounds like, with a 200 foot wide river, I would move more. Just fish and keep stepping slowly.

Regarding the glow Thingamabobbers — you may have gotten a bad batch or something, because my glow TBs are actually too bright, too often. I have no need for painting Airlocks, in this case. That little glowing orb of a TB is money.

But . . . if you found something that works for you, then that’s it!


By: Matthew Wilson Fri, 17 Mar 2023 21:04:49 +0000 How long do you typically spend hitting prime night lies? Do you have a general rule of thumb for the number of casts you give great looking spots? do you move at the same pace when swinging wets as you do when you are working streamers? When you go to nymphs do you fish the same pace as you would in the daylight?

I think I have been moving too quickly but I am not sure. I cover about the same 500 yards in 4-6 hrs as you guys, but my river is at least 200’ wide. I usually work one bank or the other and hit good looking pools, tail outs and riffles in the middle. There is so much good looking water I start to feel rushed and probably don’t spend enough time focusing on individual lies. I am catching a few fish but nothing worthy of a picture yet.

I found that mixing glow in the dark dye with UV resin and applying a heavy coat to my airlock creates a glow in the dark indicator that is MUCH easier to see and holds a charge significantly longer than the glow in the dark thingamabobbers.
I know you dislike airlocks, but this would work on your preferred thingamabobbers as well.

I am going try applying the dyed resin to the blood knots on my sighter section to help with visibility during low light conditions.

Sorry for rambling. I am a little sleep deprived.

By: Domenick Swentosky Thu, 30 Jun 2022 20:19:53 +0000 In reply to Greg Hoover.

Great points, Greg. Good to hear from you.


By: Greg Hoover Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:24:40 +0000 Loved this podcast. Love fishing streamers at night. Why? Because, when asked by my partner about the fish I just netted, it’s the only time I’ve ever said: “He was only 20 inches.” Night fishing ruins your sense of perspective and expectations. But do expect to get skunked more often.

Also, “mouse emerger” is a great name! Watch a video of a mouse (or frog?) swim. Their head is on top but the rest of his body is dangling down in the water.

By: Emmett Mon, 27 Jun 2022 19:22:46 +0000 Great stuff guys not sure if you mentioned this but what do you think of missing a fish and then casting back to the same area? I have found that at night I can miss a fish and present the fly the same as I just did, in the exact same area, and get another strike from what I think is the same fish. Would like to know your thoughts on this.

I will use glow in the dark emergency tape cut into little tags as an indicator if nymphing and just above a micro swivel I use for streamers and larger flies even when using glowing fly line. It helps with my poor eyesight when the fly is close or if I need to pick it up to clean it off.
I love fishing at night and I remember on one of my first nights out the thrill of hooking into a branch under water that had some give to it and was in enough of a flow that the branch, still anchored to the bottom, wavered like it was a fish. It lasted for a second before I figured out what was up however that “hook up” was solid and it really felt like I had hooked a leviathan brown. Literally one second was all it took to figure out I was snagged but that feeling and excitement of the possibility of what could of been keeps me up late at night.

By: Jon Spencer Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:43:09 +0000 Love this Dom. A rockbass ate my mouse the other night. Buddy got a decent fish swinging the mouse no action. Apparently it works well?!
