The Troutbitten Podcast is available everywhere that you listen to your podcasts. ** Note ** The Podcast Player, along with links to your favorite players is below. In this episode, my Troutbitten friends and I talk about one of the toughest conditions we face —...
Articles With the Tag . . . Spooky Trout
Podcast: The Spooky Trout — What Scares Fish and How to Avoid Spooking Them — S5, Ep3
 The Troutbitten Podcast is available everywhere that you listen to your podcasts. ** Note ** The Podcast Player, along with links to your favorite players is below. Success on the water starts with finding fish and not spooking them. No one ever caught a scared...
Be the Heron
** This article is part of the Spooky Trout series on Troutbitten. You can find all articles in the series HERE. ** Just after dawn, I rounded a river bend and cleared the floodplain, leaving the broken hemlocks and growing sycamores behind me. On countless mornings,...
The Spooky Trout: Find Their Blind Spot
We have a new Australian Shepherd puppy. And yesterday, I took him for another walk along the river. I’ve made a point to have my young friend on the water most days since we’ve had him — a full week, now. He’s a wonderful dog: loving, curious, fun and intelligent. We...
Are You Spooking Trout?
All trout continuously adapt to their surroundings — they learn what to expect, and they spook from the unexpected.
So, stealth on the water and understanding what spooks a trout is foundational knowledge in fly fishing. Trout are easily scared. Are you spooking fish?