Voices from the River: Troutbitten

by | Nov 3, 2017 | 0 comments


I’m honored that Troutbitten is being featured by Trout Unlimited today.

I did a short Q&A interview with Rob Shane and Mark Taylor of Trout Unlimited, as part of their “Voices from the River” series. We talked a little about history, conservation and bucket lists.

You can find the full interview here.


Enjoy the day,
Domenick Swentosky

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Domenick Swentosky

Central Pennsylvania

Hi. I’m a father of two young boys, a husband, author, fly fishing guide and a musician. I fish for wild brown trout in the cool limestone waters of Central Pennsylvania year round. This is my home, and I love it. Friends. Family. And the river.

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Domenick Swentosky

Central Pennsylvania

Hi. I’m a father of two young boys, a husband, author, fly fishing guide and a musician. I fish for wild brown trout in the cool limestone waters of Central Pennsylvania year round. This is my home, and I love it. Friends. Family. And the river.

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