Comments on: Tight Line Nymph Rig Life on the water | Fly fishing for wild trout. Tips, tactics stories and guide service from central Pennsylvania. Sun, 28 Jan 2024 23:23:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Domenick Swentosky Sun, 28 Jan 2024 23:23:02 +0000 In reply to Pete.

Hi Pete. Thanks for your questions. You can certainly rig it however you like, after the tippet. Here’s an article that answers your question about why I choose two diameters, most often.

Make sense?

By: Pete Sun, 28 Jan 2024 21:35:06 +0000 In reply to Daryll Kuhn.

Why does standard tippet formula utilize two diameters, 4X then 5X below upper fly? I’m thinking of using only one diameter (5X) for all tippet sections as my default; what are the pros and cons?

By: Mike Smith Tue, 02 May 2023 06:17:31 +0000 I’d like to try this out but am usually faced with cery limited backcasting room and rely on roll casts. Can you roll cast the mono rig?

By: Jeff Smecker Mon, 05 Sep 2022 19:42:29 +0000 HI Dom,
Hey, I gotta tell you that you and the podcast have truly been an inspiration for me. I love the content and all the tactics, but one thing you talk about that inspires me more than anything is when you discuss your passion for being creative.

When I discovered Troutbitten, I was blown away how you have used your creativity to create such an amazing resource.

Thanks, Dom for all you are doing!! My daughter is a junior at Penn State. So, I fish in Central Pa all the time. Hopefully we will cross paths some day!

Jeff Smecker

By: Jeff Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:44:03 +0000 thanks for your site Dominic. I have two questions: First, the graphic of the mono-rig that I printed out from your site just really has one mono line leading up to the sighter and then the tippet. But the rig mentioned above is much more complex. What’s your current thought? What does that 14″ of lighter mono do to help?

Next, I can’t find either Maxima Chameleon 10# or 20#, just 25#, 15# and 8#. What would you recommend as far as those options?

By: Domenick Swentosky Sun, 24 Oct 2021 20:41:24 +0000 In reply to steven g.

Hi Steven,

Thank you for the kind words.

So if you haven’t yet, be sure to find this article, and then follow the links within:

There’s about a book’s worth of material, just by following those links. It’s a big rabbit hole.

I bring up that link, because it explains WHY I build the leader this way. Sure, there are a lot of good (and bad) ways to build a tight line rig. But I’ve been fishing this long enough that there’s a reason behind everything. You will see that the Rio section is really an addition that I don’t use all the time. So I actually clip at the tippet ring on the end of the Stren and roll that up on a rigging foam. Then I often add a different tippet section from there. You certainly COULD add that third ring. But for me, changes don’t happen there.

Basically, I’d say add a tippet ring wherever you plan to make your changes. And that may be different than my own system.

Make sense?


By: steven g Sun, 24 Oct 2021 16:22:53 +0000 your stuff is great, just so thorough and well written. I love reading and learning, so your site has been blissful.

Question: on your standard ole reliable mono rig, you’ve got your 20# and your 10# and then a tippet ring, the amnesia and stren, and another tippet ring. i would typically love to put a ring after the sighter, in your rig i guess that would be the RIo 2 tone 1x. but that’s 3 rings. i like the ring after the sighter for if I’m changing the final tippet ,4x,5x,6x for depth or thickness or flies or if it gets fouled up, nice to have a tippet ring after the sighter before the tippet mono.

are 3 rings too much? feels a bit much? other ideas suggestions?

By: Gerry Sat, 13 Mar 2021 19:28:09 +0000 Hi, Dom. I found you yesterday on you tube with you fishing streamers and follow over here to your web sight. What a wealth of info.

I’m eighty and dexterity presents a bit of problem for me and simplicity plays a good deal of importance. With that in mind, could you speculate on how a Rio euro nymph leader attached to the maxima 20 pound butt section would turn over. It would provide for transition and sight sections and alleviate some knot tying for me.

Thx in advance. Gearing up for our semiannual trip to Virginia’s Jackson River where I plan to put much of your teachings to work…..if my wading staff will keep me vertical.

By: John Sat, 06 Feb 2021 13:33:49 +0000 Hi Dom. Love reading your articles. You may have covered my question in previous articles.
You mentioned that at times you will transition back to your traditional fly line when using a dry fly. How do you do this quickly when there is no longer a welded loop on the line?

Thank you

By: Domenick Swentosky Sat, 04 Apr 2020 22:31:29 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Hi Steve,

Oh my, I think you read that wrong. That’s 36 inches to the first fly and another 20 to the point fly. Tag goes at the junction. Make sense?

I like the tags about 5 inches, on average. And you’re right — a 36 inch tag would just be impossible!!

More on tags and trailers here:

Hope that helps.

