nymphs Archives - Troutbitten https://troutbitten.com/tag/nymphs/ Life on the water | Fly fishing for wild trout. Tips, tactics stories and guide service from central Pennsylvania. Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:13:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://troutbitten.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cropped-Troutbitten-32x32.jpg nymphs Archives - Troutbitten https://troutbitten.com/tag/nymphs/ 32 32 Troutbitten Fly Box — The Craft Fur Jig and The Craft Fur Streamer (with VIDEO) https://troutbitten.com/2023/02/07/troutbitten-fly-box-the-craft-fur-jig-and-the-craft-fur-streamer-with-video/ https://troutbitten.com/2023/02/07/troutbitten-fly-box-the-craft-fur-jig-and-the-craft-fur-streamer-with-video/#comments Tue, 07 Feb 2023 21:59:21 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=268708

Some flies do one thing really well. Other flies are your workhorse on the water, lending solutions to river problems by being adaptable. These are the flies we reach for over and over. These are the flies we tie first and keep well stocked. This is the Craft Fur . . .

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Troutbitten Fly Box — The Blue Collar Worker (with VIDEO) https://troutbitten.com/2022/10/19/troutbitten-fly-box-the-blue-collar-worker-with-video/ https://troutbitten.com/2022/10/19/troutbitten-fly-box-the-blue-collar-worker-with-video/#comments Thu, 20 Oct 2022 00:08:51 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=268284

Show up on time, do your job and have a little fun while you’re at it. Then go home and do it all over again tomorrow. That’s a blue collar worker. It's a Pheasant Tail with a CDC collar. It has a little disco for the rib and a hot spot collar. It's simple, reliable and effective . . .

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Feed ‘Em Fur https://troutbitten.com/2020/08/09/feed-em-fur/ https://troutbitten.com/2020/08/09/feed-em-fur/#comments Sun, 09 Aug 2020 15:03:50 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=259366

Every once in a while, the mainstay beadhead nymphs in my box see a drop in productivity. Sometimes, it takes hours or even days of denial for me to accept the message. First, I try going smaller, into the #18 and #20 range, focusing on black beads and duller finishes that have mixed, mostly subpar results. Then eventually, I flip over a leaf in my fly box, where, on the backside, I have rows of natural nymphs. They carry no bead and have minimal lead wraps on the shank for weight. These are subtle, unassuming flies, and their main attraction is an inherent motion, providing a lifelike representation of the leggy critters that trout eat.

The flies are fur nymphs. And they’re the perfect change up when trout are tired of your beadheads.

When trout are sick of seeing flashbacks, sparkly dubbing, gaudy colors or rubber legs, feed ‘em fur . . .

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What’s the Deal With Hare’s Ear? https://troutbitten.com/2020/04/08/whats-the-deal-with-hares-ear/ https://troutbitten.com/2020/04/08/whats-the-deal-with-hares-ear/#comments Wed, 08 Apr 2020 21:31:17 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=258302

Last night, I slumped back in my chair and away from the tying desk. It’s lit like an operating room. With three hi-wattage beams shining on one very small object from left, right and center, my eyes don’t miss much. Combine that with 2X-power readers and some steady hands, and I can turn out well crafted flies as small as you like. I have no trouble inserting details into a fly, but I’ve never approached fly tying with that kind of goal anyway.

Like most good fly tyers who are better fishermen, I learned long ago that realism in a fly is one thing to a trout and another thing to a fisherman. So I scrapped that bias and whittled my patterns down to the elements that I believe attract fish. My guiding theory on fly design is that trout are looking for a reason not to eat my fly. So I limit materials only to what’s necessary. Nothing more.

Hare's Ear is one of those materials. Here's why . . .

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Nymph Hook Inversion — And the Myth of the Jig Hook https://troutbitten.com/2020/03/15/nymph-hook-inversion-and-the-myth-of-the-jig-hook/ https://troutbitten.com/2020/03/15/nymph-hook-inversion-and-the-myth-of-the-jig-hook/#comments Sun, 15 Mar 2020 21:06:30 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=257357

Would you believe it if I told you that jig hooks don't change the way a nymph rides in the water? You don’t need a jig hook to invert the nymph. In fact almost all nymphs invert, especially when weighted with a bead or lead. Furthermore, nymphs built on a jig hook probably aren’t inverting the way you imagine. And how you attach the knot is much more important than the hook itself . . .

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Troutbitten Confidence Flies: Seventeen Nymphs https://troutbitten.com/2019/09/29/troutbitten-confidence-flies-seventeen-nymphs/ https://troutbitten.com/2019/09/29/troutbitten-confidence-flies-seventeen-nymphs/#comments Sun, 29 Sep 2019 20:28:24 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=13709

All long term anglers find a set of files to believe in. We attach a confidence to these patterns that carries over from the moment we form the knot to the hook eye. We fish better with these flies. We make them work. With more focus, we refine each drift with our best patterns. But there’s also something special about a great fly to begin with . . .

The set of flies below are built and carried as a system. There is very little overlap. Each fly does a specific job or offers the trout a certain look. I could tie a Hare’s Ear in five different colors, but I don’t. Instead, I see the flies in my box as pieces of a puzzle that lock together and fill out a whole . . .

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Troutbitten Fly Box — The Jig Streamers https://troutbitten.com/2019/02/24/troutbitten-fly-box-the-jiggy-streamers/ https://troutbitten.com/2019/02/24/troutbitten-fly-box-the-jiggy-streamers/#comments Sun, 24 Feb 2019 21:06:39 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=12125

With the jig tied in, I quickly learned that nothing rides the bottom of the river like a ball jig. It bounces, canters, pivots and tap dances around rocks and gravel like nothing else. The ball itself is the key. It allows for some very unique presentations and movements. And when you really want to hug the bottom, you can set up your rig to feel those taps, as the jig glides and scratches along the river bed.

That’s not to suggest that I constantly present a jig deep down and glued to the rocks. Not at all. But when I do want to touch the bottom, to feel the rocks, hold a position or reach into the depths with precision, a jig is the perfect vehicle. That is the key. That’s the special sauce of the jig . . .

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Troutbitten Fly Box — The Sucker Spawn https://troutbitten.com/2019/01/09/troutbitten-fly-box-the-sucker-spawn/ https://troutbitten.com/2019/01/09/troutbitten-fly-box-the-sucker-spawn/#comments Wed, 09 Jan 2019 17:22:55 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=11627

You can get a trout’s attention with a host of different patterns. Bright beads, flashy materials, wiggly legs and sheer size all stand out in the drift, and trout take notice. But interest and curiosity do not necessarily lead trout into the net. In fact, many of the attention getting materials we attach to a hook simply turn trout off, giving them a reason not to eat the fly.

On the other hand, while drab and flat patterns have their moments, it often takes a little sparkle, a little color, flash or wiggle, to turn trout on. The trick then, is finding the right elements to seal the deal — a simple combination of materials that is just enough to convince a trout, but not too much either. Enter: the Sucker Spawn . . .

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Is your new fly really new? What makes a fly original? https://troutbitten.com/2018/06/05/is-your-new-fly-really-new-what-makes-a-fly-original/ https://troutbitten.com/2018/06/05/is-your-new-fly-really-new-what-makes-a-fly-original/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2018 19:16:58 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=9625

When is a fly original enough to deserve its own name? And do a few material changes result in a new fly, or is it the bastardization of an existing pattern?

“That’s just a Woolly Bugger with flashy chenille, bigger hackle, rubber legs, and dumbell eyes. Oh, and it’s two of them hooked together.” That’s the first comment I heard about Russ Madden’s Circus Peanut. And to that I say, sure it is. But aren’t there enough material and form changes there to be a unique fly? When we think Woolly Bugger does it really look anything like a Circus Peanut? No, not really. So I’d say the Circus Peanut deserved a name, and it got one.

I have a similar fly stored in my own meat locker. I call it a Water Muppet, but it’s mostly a Circus Peanut. I tie it smaller, dub the body instead of wrapping chenille, and I use a tungsten bead instead of dumbbell eyes. And while I have my own name for the pattern that amuses me, it’s pretty much a Peanut.

But I think there’s a genuine desire on the part of many fly tyers to get this right. We want to give credit for inspiration, and we know that all good ideas stem from somewhere. At the same time, we’re proud of the material or form changes we’ve made that catch more fish in our own rivers. And sometimes those innovations define a genuinely new fly pattern, so they deserve a unique name . . . . .

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Troutbitten Fly Box — The Bread-n-Butter Nymph https://troutbitten.com/2018/04/20/troutbitten-fly-box-the-bread-n-butter-nymph/ https://troutbitten.com/2018/04/20/troutbitten-fly-box-the-bread-n-butter-nymph/#comments Fri, 20 Apr 2018 14:17:25 +0000 https://troutbitten.com/?p=9396

This simple nymph is a winner. The Bread-n-Butter looks enough like a mayfly nymph, enough like a caddis, or enough like a small stonefly to be a very productive pattern. Whatever trout take it for, it gets attention and seals the deal frequently. It’s on my short list of confidence flies.

Yes. It looks like a Hare’s Ear nymph. Half the stuff in my box looks like a Hare’s Ear or a Pheasant Tail. When you turn over rocks to see what kind of bugs trout are eating, most of what you find fits under the category of “little brown things with some moving parts.”

My theory of fly selection is based in simplicity. I don’t carry hundreds of patterns, because I’ve found that I don’t need to. And carrying fewer flies forces me to adjust my presentation — to fish harder — instead of blaming the fly and changing what’s on the end of my line.

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