** NOTE ** Formula for the Harvey Gold Leader appears below It’s 8:00, and your morning begins by tucking large ant patterns tight to the bank. Each delivery of the dry fly drifts the ant a few seconds in slow bank water before quick, neighboring currents rip away...
Articles With the Tag . . . George Harvey
Favorite Small Stream Leader — Formula, Reasons and Stories
My gateway into fly fishing was through tunnels of mountain laurel. Native brook trout swam in cold, clear waters that trickled out of the gaps and ravines of a Pennsylvania state forest and merged into the upper tributaries of remote valleys. Under the deep,...
Troutbitten Fly Box — The Harvey Pusher Night Fly (with VIDEO)
Today's article is a favorite from the archives. You can find it here: Troutbitten Fly Box -- The Harvey Pusher Night Fly (with VIDEO) Enjoy the day. Domenick Swentosky T R O U T B I T T E N domenick@troutbitten.com
Troutbitten Shop Spring Sale ’24 — Leaders, Hats, New Trail Merch, Stickers and More
** NOTE ** Links to each leader for sale, along with full descriptions, are listed below. And here are direct links to each category in the Troutbitten Shop . . . BUY: Troutbitten | Category | Leaders BUY: Troutbitten | Category | Hats BUY: Troutbitten | Category |...
Troutbitten Shop Fall Sale ’23 — Leaders, Hats, New Trail Merch, Stickers and More
The Troutbitten Fall Sale ’23 is here, with all leaders, hats and stickers back in the Troutbitten Shop. With this round, we have a few special items to offer, from the Troutbitten and New Trail Brewing company collaboration. There’s a Fish Hard / Drink Beer hat, sticker and t-shirt. The Troutbitten Shop is fully stocked. Hats, leaders, stickers, shirts, hoodies and more are ready to go.
Troutbitten Fly Box — The Harvey Pusher Night Fly (with VIDEO)
When you work the Pusher, imagine the wings flexing and pulsing as you hand twist retrieve and pulse the rod tip on a three count. See the fly in your mind’s eye and make it come alive in the dark. Then hold on tight . . .
(VIDEO) The George Harvey Dry Fly Leader — Design, Adjustment and Fishing Tips
The George Harvey Dry Fly leader is a slackline leader built for dead drifting. With intentional casting, with the right stroke, the Harvey lands with slack in all the right places, with curves and swirls through the entire leader and not just in the tippet section. The Harvey is a masterful tool built for the art of presenting a dry fly on a dead drift. But success begins by understanding how the Harvey is different, and why it works.
Troutbitten Shop Summer Sale ’23 — Leaders, Hats, New Trail Merch and More
The Troutbitten Summer Sale ’23 is here, with all leaders, hats and stickers back in the Troutbitten Shop. With this round, I have a few special items to offer, from the Troutbitten and New Trail Brewing company collaboration. There’s a Fish Hard / Drink Beer hat, sticker and t-shirt. The Troutbitten Shop is fully stocked. Hats, leaders, stickers, shirts, hoodies and more are ready to go.
Leaders, Hats, Stickers Back in the Troutbitten Shop (Spring Sale ’23)
Troutbitten leaders are back in the Shop. There are some unique features to Troutbitten leaders that make a big difference. These are hand tied leaders in four varieties: Harvey Dry Leader, Standard Mono Rig, Thin Mono Rig, and Micro-Thin Mono Rig. Standard Sighters are also available, and they include a Backing Barrel. The Full Mono Rig Kit contains each of the three Mono Rig leaders, three foam spools and a twenty-inch Rio Bi-Color extension.
All Troutbitten leaders come on a three-inch spool, making long leader changes a breeze . . .
Leaders and Hats are Back in the Troutbitten Shop
Troutbitten leaders are back in the Shop. There are some unique features to Troutbitten leaders that make a big difference. These are hand tied leaders in four varieties: Harvey Dry Leader, Standard Mono Rig, Thin Mono Rig, and Micro-Thin Mono Rig. Standard Sighters are also available, and they include a Backing Barrel. The Full Mono Rig Kit contains each of the three Mono Rig leaders, three foam spools and a twenty-inch Rio Bi-Color extension.
All Troutbitten leaders come on a three-inch spool, making long leader changes a breeze . . .