Life on the Water

The Troutbitten Podcast Crew (winter, 2021) Austin, Trevor, Josh, Dom and Bill. (Missing is Matt Grobe)

In the fall of 2021, I started the Troutbitten Podcast. And what I’d thought of for years as a back burner project quickly became my primary focus.

Immediately after launch, the Troutbitten Podcast hit the top of the Wilderness Podcast Charts and became the number one independent fishing podcast in the states. It has held there ever since.

The podcast succeeds because of my friends, my co-hosts — my best fishing buddies. They are Austin Dando, Trevor Smith, Josh Darling, Bill Dell and Matt Grobe.

By breaking away from the industry-standard podcast formula of guest interviews, the Troutbitten Podcast is something different. These guys, their ideas, their collective experience and comradery are all that any episode needs.

Troutbitten Podcast seasons follow two distinctly different formats, alternating every other season.

The odd-numbered seasons are longer, free-form discussions on any fly fishing topic, ranging from tactical to ethical. While the even numbered seasons feature a Skills Series that narrowly focuses on one set of fly fishing skills.

Yes, Troutbitten


I’ve listened to nearly all of these podcasts. As a lifelong angler and avid follower of Domenick’s prolific writings on his Troutbitten website, the podcast is a great companion to and from the river. For anyone who wants to go to the next level in fly fishing – start at the beginning and listen to all of the podcasts. You will have a master class in being a versatile all-season trout angler. Then follow up with companion articles on the website. Troutbitten is just a fantastic resource.

A Priceless Resource


This podcast is full of excellent content that is presented by entertaining host. These guys cover a wide variety of topics in great detail while also adding a touch of humor. They don’t derail the show with corny humor or over romanticization. If you are looking for a podcast to learn practical, actionable information this is it.

Best Fly Fishing Podcast

CTL44, 08/17/2022

Great podcast for any style of fly fishing. Many great tips and tricks to make your time on the water more productive. Pretty funny crew to listen to as well

Changing How I Fish

Everhix, 05/08/2022

I found this podcast through the troutbitten website where I poured over the articles daily. This podcast has changed the way I handle my gear, approach the water, think about trout and insects, and even how I land a fish. This is good stuff, whether you are new to fly fishing or been at it a few years like me. There is always more to learn and here is where to learn it. Thanks for creating this!


RT190, 06/21/2022

Troutbitten is a great resource of information and reading, I just found and listened to a few podcast I’m so happy I found ya. Domenick has a phenomenal resource for people pursuing flyfishing beginner or the advanced he and his team continue to impress.

Having this podcast is like being in a conversation with friends I haven’t met. So thankful to Troutbitten. Keep up the great resource.


The Troutbitten Podcast is easily found in any podcast player. Just search with your app, and you’ll find it.

Also, find a full list of the podcast archives, download them or listen directly HERE.

Finally, every Troutbitten Podcast episode is listed here below.

Thanks for listening.

Podcast: Freewheelin’ Two — Stories and Experiences — S5, Ep7

Podcast: Freewheelin’ Two — Stories and Experiences — S5, Ep7

It’s the things that happen while we’re out there that make fly fishing for trout the all-consuming, never ending pursuit that it is for us. And, in truth, all of us need to LET that happen. It’s in the choices that we make regarding where we’ll fish, when we’ll fish and who we’ll fish with. Those elements, the locations, the woods, the water and the friendships make all of this special . . .

Podcast: Strategies for Fishing Low and Clear Water — S5, Ep6

Podcast: Strategies for Fishing Low and Clear Water — S5, Ep6

Many anglers shrink from the challenge of low water. They walk away or never string up the fly rod, using the excuse that trout are simply too spooky or they just aren’t eating. But I promise you, that is not true. Trout are eating in these conditions. It just takes a calculated approach to bring them to hand.

Don’t spook the fish. Achieving that is different from season to season. It’s different in various water types. And acceptable distances from the trout change even with the angles by which you approach them . . .

Podcast: The Spooky Trout  — What Scares Fish and How to Avoid Spooking Them — S5, Ep3

Podcast: The Spooky Trout — What Scares Fish and How to Avoid Spooking Them — S5, Ep3

Success on the water starts with finding fish and not spooking them. No one ever caught a scared trout. All the tactics, the flies and the habits of river trout that we focus on mean nothing if the fish are on high alert and out of the mood to eat.

Don’t spook the fish. Achieving that is different from season to season. It’s different in various water types. And acceptable distances from the trout change even with the angles by which you approach them . . .

Podcast: Fly Tying and the Complete Angler — S5, Ep2

Podcast: Fly Tying and the Complete Angler — S5, Ep2

This episode of the Troutbitten Podcast is about tying flies. It’s about how that aspect of fly fishing changes everything for us. Most of us wish to be a complete angler — one who is well rounded, ready for anything and versatile.

By tying flies, we get closer to that goal, because tying flies engages us in a deeper way. We’re more connected, more invested in what we tie to the end of the line. With a few turns of monofilament through the hook eye, we are attached to our own creations and our own solutions . . .

Podcast: Fly Fishing Through the Fall Season — S5, Ep1

Podcast: Fly Fishing Through the Fall Season — S5, Ep1

Fall fishing offers renewed hope and opening opportunities, along with a change of scenery. As the foliage turns, so do the habits of wild trout. Our favorite fish loses some of its characteristic inhibitions.

More water, less light and the instinct to fatten up create unique opportunities for every angler who is willing to meet the trout on their own terms. While hatches may be sparse, the underwater game opens up to those with the skills to present a nymph, streamer or wet fly with precision . . .

Podcast: Roundtable Review and Wrap Up — Dry Dropper Skills Series #5

Podcast: Roundtable Review and Wrap Up — Dry Dropper Skills Series #5

This is our full crew review of dry dropper styles. And it wraps up this Troutbitten Skills Series on dry dropper fishing. Because, as we’ve seen, what seems like a pretty simple thing — just adding a nymph under a dry fly — actually creates some complex situations. Knowing your intentions, understanding the system and adjusting your rigging makes a big difference . . .

Podcast: Tight Line Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #4

Podcast: Tight Line Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #4

With tight line dry dropper, we get the contact and control of a tight line nymphing rig and the excitement of a dry fly rig. It’s very different than the other styles of dry dropper because it’s built on a Mono Rig. And the catch rate, for where this rig applies, is often doubled or even tripled.

Podcast: Standard Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #3

Podcast: Standard Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #3

Standard Dry Dropper is the industry standard for a reason. Because it’s what you get when you simply add a nymph on behind the dry fly. Sometimes, that pairing is perfect, and with a good cast and even better mending skills, this standard setup catches trout all day long.

It’s a useful style that solves a lot of problems. Especially if you surrender to the idea that the nymph is the primary fly being fished . . .

Podcast: Light Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #2

Podcast: Light Dry Dropper — Dry Dropper Skills Series #2

Light Dry Dropper is perfect for offering the dry fly as a primary choice. And sometimes, the frequency of takes on the added nymph is stunning.

Fishing a nymph under a dry fly is rarely as simple as adding a nymph and casting it out there. Some forethought into what your objectives truly are, measured against your options for rigging and fly selection, goes a long way toward filling the net with trout . . .

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