Articles in the Category Announcements

PODCAST: The One or Two Fly Debate, Across Fishing Styles — S13, Ep2

The Troutbitten guys are here to talk about two flies. Why do we fish two dry flies, two streamers, wets or nymphs? Why don’t we? Why might we fish with just one fly instead? Multiple fly rigs are a common solution to fishing problems, but extra flies on the line can certainly create more issues than they solve.

PODCAST: Why Do We Catch Trout In Patches? — S13, Ep1

Why do we catch trout in patches? Because when we get to the end of the day, we often look back to remember catching three trout in one spot, then nothing for a while. Maybe we missed two and landed five in another spot. We had three at the best undercut bank and another handful at the tailout . . . but in between, there were often long periods of inactivity. Why is that?

PODCAST: Dry Fly Skills Series #7 — Fishing Dry Flies — S12, Ep7

For this final episode in the dry fly skills series, we work through some scenarios that anglers frequently encounter. Because, just like nymphing, fishing streamers and fishing wets, we fish dry flies for many different reasons and in many different ways.

Head Hunting, Fishing, Terrestrials, Small Stream Stuff, and Working a Hatch . . .

PODCAST: Dry Fly Skills Series #6 — Rise Forms and Hook Sets — S12, Ep6

Watch for different rise forms and prepare for the hooks set. It’s all a lot of fun when you realize that good fishing isn’t luck. It’s attention to detail with an open mind and a willingness to dive into the mystery . . .

PODCAST: The Further You Walk, the More You Leave Behind (a Story) — S11 Intermission

PODCAST: The Further You Walk, the More You Leave Behind (a Story) — S11 Intermission

Here’s a story about the solitude that so many of us seek on the water — how the full experience of planning for a trip, driving before dawn, walking in and exploring a river valley provides a respite from our daily life. It’s a chance for a clear mind and for renewed energy. “The Further You Walk, the More You Leave Behind” is about what we recover when we commit to full days and long distances, and how even after we return, we are changed.

PODCAST: How Woodsmanship Catches Fish — S11, Ep6

PODCAST: How Woodsmanship Catches Fish — S11, Ep6

There’s an intangible quality built into the best anglers. It’s about being comfortable and natural around the water. It’s about having an instinct and a guiding intuition on a river that informs decision without even giving it much thought. It’s an innate knowledge of the environment and what will happen next. Knowledge of the woods, water, weather and the trout comes together with ease and adds up to something that is hard to identify.

PODCAST: Boat Fishing — How Everything Changes When Floating a River — S11, Ep5

PODCAST: Boat Fishing — How Everything Changes When Floating a River — S11, Ep5

It’s the companionship and teamwork, along with the effort and commitment required to get down the river. It’s about a good lunch and friendly banter as much as the novel approach to tactics and the pure advantage of accessing more water.

From the put in to the take out, boating changes everything. It’s a wonderful way to learn a river and to connect with friends.

PODCAST: The Stages of an Angler — S11, Ep1

PODCAST: The Stages of an Angler — S11, Ep1

How many times have we heard the supposed stages of an angler? First you want to catch a fish, then you want to catch a bunch of fish, then you want to catch a big fish, then you want to catch the toughest fish, and then you just want to catch a fish again.

This is a clever way to look at a life on the water. But is it really true? This is our topic . . .

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Troutbitten Shop Spring Sale ’24  — Leaders, Hats, New Trail Merch, Stickers and More

Troutbitten Shop Spring Sale ’24 — Leaders, Hats, New Trail Merch, Stickers and More

The Troutbitten Spring Sale ’24 is here, with all leaders, hats and stickers back in the Troutbitten Shop. With this round, we have a few special items to offer, from the Troutbitten and New Trail Brewing company collaboration. There’s a Fish Hard / Drink Beer hat, sticker and t-shirt. The Troutbitten Shop is fully stocked. Hats, leaders, stickers, shirts, hoodies and more are ready to go.

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