“Cast it upstream!” I hollered over clamoring currents. Standing behind and slightly to the side of Joey, I watched his next cast land the streamer inches from the opposite bank and directly across from him. It was a good spot, but it wasn't upstream. “Look at that!”...
Articles With the Tag . . . Streamers
Streamer Presentations — The Deadly Slow-Slide
The best thing about fishing streamers is how different it is from everything else we do on a fly rod. Precision dead drifts? Delicate casting and thin tippets? Forget that. Slinging the big bugs is the antithesis against what the rest of fly fishing is all about. Or...
Troutbitten Fly Box — The Bunny Bullet Sculpin
In a world of oversized, articulated streamers drenched in flash and draped with rubber legs, the Bunny Bullet is naturally sized and tied on a single hook — with just a little disco. If the average modern streamer is an exotic dancer, then the Bunny Bullet is a...
Is your new fly really new? What makes a fly original?
When is a fly original enough to deserve its own name? And do a few material changes result in a new fly or simply the bastardization of an existing pattern? “That’s just a Woolly Bugger with flashy chenille, bigger hackle, rubber legs, and dumbbell eyes. Oh, and it’s...
Aiden’s First Brown Trout
Hundreds of times Aiden has snagged the bottom, pulled the rod back, and either asked me if that was a fish or has told me flatly, “I think that was a fish.” This time, he finally experienced the certainty that a couple of good head shakes from a trout will give you . . .
The Stinky Bass
Pat and I wanted to float, but after the recent rains all of our local options were too high and/or muddy. I'm not complaining about it. Fish like water, and I'd rather see a creek bank-full than find the streambed half sun-dried. At high levels, the ideal conditions...
A Better Streamer Box
After many years of carrying a select group of my favorite streamers in a fairly small box, I now find myself in an experimental phase with the big bugs again. I'm generally in the camp that believes presentation is far more important than pattern, but trying new...
Last Good Island
So it's been a Troutbitten theme lately to do the unusual instead of the doing the usual. Burke started it a few months ago with "Out of the Ordinary October," and I think most of us jumped on the wagon and haven't gotten off. It's a good wagon. If you are into...