league of legends terminology

We overestimate the power of our daily thoughts, and we forget the potential of our inner wisdom. This book guides you with honest life experiences of an eSport team manager on a journey to find the mental balance for peak performance. Fighter - A hybrid between tanking and DPS, these champions combine the survivability of a tank and the damage of a DPS or a caster. DPS - Damage per second (i.e. Can also be refered to as "snare" and "immobilize". What is Macro in League of Legends?. Spell Vamp - Stat that allows champions to gain health when dealing damage with their abilities. Skills can take the form of 'point-and-click' abilities - ie clicking on a spell in your interface on the bottom of your screen, and then clicking where it's needed. Taunt - A disable which forces the target to attack the taunter. Squishy: A champion that’s easily killed due to their lack of health or defensive capabilities. Double Buff: When a player collects both the blue and red buff. This feature is intentionally removed from League of Legends and replaced with zoning tactics. Custom - Custom game: the match mode created by player with the freedom to determine the team size, A.I. Having wards around the dragon and baron pits is always a good idea, so your opponents are unable to sneak in unnoticed. When you first start playing League of Legends, you won’t understand what every item does. MIA - Missing In Action: an enemy champion who was laning does not show up in the original lane which may result in recalled to base, preparing to gank the other lane and/or hiding in the brush. To Burst is also a commonly used term. these are items that allow you to see areas of the map that you or your team-mates are not currently in. Not the worldwide super cute yellow animated phenomenon seen on everything from packets of tissues to car dashboards, but computer-controlled non-player characters (NPCs) that spawn in each lane every 30 seconds. We are located at 936 Mont-Royal Ave E, Montreal, Quebec H2J 1X2, Canada. The professionals will recognize these quickly, leading to some big punishments. The PBP Caster is responsible for calling all the action in-game. Martyr - A player dies defending a capture point with an extra score reward, depends on how many enemy champions are involved in the kill. RockLove K/DA Ahri Heart Hoop Earrings. League of Legends can be an overwhelming game to new and season players alike. Elo hell: A rank that’s difficult or seemingly impossible to get out. Slow - A debuff which reduces the target's movement speed. Fans will thrill at these newest protagonists, especially the women warriors, who are equal partners in the play for power." —Publishers Weekly "This novel has it all—romance, conflict, danger, and humor. Assist - To help an allied champion in killing an enemy champion, gaining a part of the bounty. There's a lot of short hand involved in League of Legends, being familiar with terms will help you get used to the game a lot quicker because players use it varying from summoner level 1 all the way up to summoner level 30. This glossary of League of Legends was created to be a dedicated reference for current and future players who are looking to keep up with discussion both in-game and out of game in places such as forums and Discord.. usually the domain of two players, often marksmen or 'attack damage (AD) carry' characters and support champions. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from EsportsWikis.com. Kiting: Backing away from an enemy and dealing free damage, while simultaneously avoiding attacks. They can choose from three main trinkets to place here; the warding totem (allows you to place a stealth ward for free), the oracle lens (which summons a drone that follows you for 10 seconds to reveal stealth wards and hidden foes) and the farsight alteration (allows a champion to reveal a small location a significant distance away for a couple of seconds). Commit - To not retreat. This book builds upon the success of the second edition with even more expert advice from masters in the field and notes current changes within the growing video game industry. The phrase is named after former pro player Choi “inSec” In-seok. At least, not yet. The player may end up joining a team completely composed of solo players, or an incomplete "Party". Gaming Quiz / League of Legends Terms Random Gaming or Video Games Quiz Can you name the League of Legends Terms? Sustain or Sustainability - A champion's capacity for staying in a lane without having to go back to the base. If a team successfully knocks down a turret they will earn gold. The three glowing things behind the towers in your base. there's four quadrants of jungle on the map - it's divided into two by the lanes and then again by a river. In Dominion mode, each minion wave already contains one super minion. Champ - Champion: a particular character that the summoner calls on and controls. Download Animated Wallpaper, share & use by youself. You or one of your teammates’ champions must be within visual range to spot them, or your enemies must pass near one of your stationary wards. This role is expected to do a lot because it influences the center of the map. Focal areas explored in this book include: • aspects of videogame textuality and how games relate to other texts • the formation of lexical terms and use of metaphor in the language of gaming • gamer slang and 'buddylects' • the ... While a lot of people would use Strategy and … Creep Score (CS) in League of Legends is the amount of creeps a champion has killed. Back in Season 7, League of Legends introduced a new statistic. If … League of Legends Terms, Acronyms, and Slang. Now tuck into our key terminology to help you get to grips with how to do battle, League of Legends style…, The characters played by the team in each game. OP Snare: An ability debuff that slows an enemy’s movement speed or stops them entirely. These two types of casters are there to work together to tell the story of the game. Account trading is an illegal practice in which everyone loses, both the buyer and the seller. Provides definitions of approximately 290,500 English words, arranged alphabetically in twenty volumes, with cross-references, etymologies, and pronunciation keys, and includes a bibliography. Red or Red Buff - Blessing of the Lizard Elder. literally the top of the map. It is also commonly referred to as the Turret. Atmog's - A build that utilizes Atma's Impaler and Warmog's Armor. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your champion is slain. 18,456 talking about this. League of Legends DFS Advice DFS LoL LCS Summer Split Playoffs Round 2 Day Picks for August 13, 2021 After finishing the spring split with a record of 3-15, Golden Guardians managed to squeak into the playoffs as the eighth seed. Skin - A different appearance for a champion that can only be obtained by spending RP. To kill the last living champion on the opposing team. How accounts work: League of legends. Pushing power is the ability of a champion to quickly help winions push into objectives. They're a diverse bunch, all fulfilling a role with some focusing on taking down enemies or buildings and others who focus on healing or supporting the team (and some that sit somewhere between, known as 'flex picks' - see below). Snowball - Situation that occurs when a champion or team starts building up an advantage, and as a result, becomes nearly impossible to stop. Snowball: When a champion secures an early advantage and quickly gets out of control. There is a lot to take in and we are here to make it easier. It’s the little brother to Summoner’s Rift, and its name speaks for itself. This is a change that was made in order to replace the flat armor penetration. The term MOBA that League of Legends uses hints towards a game more focused on the concept of tactics instead. Vent: Ventrilo, a voice chat software that’s no longer popular. Found inside – Page 185For most of the titles and legends, we use terminology from the most recent seizure and epilepsy classification systems of the International League Against Epilepsy (7,8). Some additional terms are also used here, such as "aura" instead ... If a team successfully knocks down a turret they will earn gold. REQUIREMENTSIn using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree with the terms of this Agreement. GG: Goodgame - usually said at the end of a match. Carry: A player who takes hold of the game and leads the team to victory. Bruiser - A champion with high effective health and damage per second. That's a gay ass lie. there are three turrets in each lane, and two that project the nexus. Fed - A champion becoming very powerful after killing multiple enemy champions OR by having a large creep score. areas outside of a champion's immediate vision radius and what their wards can see. Jungler - A champion who forgoes fighting in a lane in order to obtain experience and gold from killing creeps in the jungle. D or Def - Defend: to protect the tower or base without attacking aggressively. ), Razors - Madred's Razors or Madred's Bloodrazor. You can use the terms to communicate faster and understand what other players talk about. But how much internet speed do you need? Damage per second (DPS): How much damage you deal per second. Chrono Shift. Terms Fulltext Full License Text TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT (TOU) LEAGUE OF LEGENDS® Last Modified: October 23, 2012. Currently there are Blind Pick and Draft Pick available. controlled minion, turret, monster, etc. Shop - The location where items can be bought. Skillful outplays. Bradley Scott Fittler (born 5 February 1972), also known by the nickname of "Freddy","is the head coach of the New South Wales State of Origin team, a commentator and a television presenter. Nerf - An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something less powerful, as opposed to a "buff". Priority banking. re - Short for reappear, meaning an enemy champion is no longer MIA. It's impossible to go onto Twitch and not see League of Legends streams dominate … Its wholly owned subsidiary, Riot Games Limited, an Irish limited company, operates and publishes the Game in the European Union, the Russian Federation, and other … In the context of the Riot Games IPs, currently terminology is divided for separate games, each with their own unique term definitions, such as: League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, and Legends of Runeterra. Premade - Multiple players, who know each other, forming a team together before entering the champion selection phase. Found inside – Page 307See also Chinese livestreaming industry; gameplayers Llanso, Emma, 282, 283 Lobato, Ramon, 9, 25, 33–34, 217 LOL ... 283–84; creator terminology adoption in, 2; decentralization of, vii; feminist content on YouTube contrasted with ... There is so much more to discuss for league of legends. Disambiguations. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Vision Ward - A ward that allows you to see invisible units in a small area. In League of Legends, crowd control is typically divided into two key varieties: soft and hard. Found inside – Page xiiTerminology. gg (Good game; Typed in to the in-game chat box in some titles to concede defeat) glhf (Good luck, have fun; ... Top lane, mid lane, bot lane (The top, middle and bottom lanes or roads on the map used in League of Legends ... Path or Pathing The route that will be taken towards a destination. Found insideLeague of Legends has also grown to become the most popular computer game in the world, with sixty-seven million players a month in 2014, ... Commentators and fans distill layers upon layers of game knowledge into insider terminology. OOM. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Que - Queue: the champion selection phase before commencing the match. They also tend to have a lot of CC (Crowd-control) abilities, such as stuns, snares, taunts, silences, slows. Beefy 'cannon' minions who can attack from a longer range will also spawn with every third minion wave at the start of the game, increasing to every other wave at the 15-minute mark and every wave at the 25-minute mark. A CS is granted only when the player gets the last hit (killing blow) on the minion or mob. However, maybe you just jumped into League of Legends. Bait - To feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap. Lane priority. https://primagames.com/feature/lol-slang-popular-league-legends-terms Quints - Quintessences, the most expensive type of runes. Elixir Bot version: V2.125 Our goals: Reliability, speed and satisfied customer. In League of Legends there are two primary casting positions: Play-By-Play (PBP) and Colour. Pet - A non-champion, non-minion ally that may or may not be controllable that is generated by a champion's ability and fights for him on its own. Missing the words 'Peel' and 'Spell Vamp', You can add those in now, Janitsu, as you're an editor :). Fountain: this is where champions re-spawn (remember when we said champions come back to life?) League of Legends is a Moba - a multiplayer online battle arena - where two teams try to outdo each other by destroying each other's nexus. Jungle = characters that roam through both jungles killing minions (including the large minions that grant red buff and blue buff) and ganking (ambushing) opponents. If someone writes this in all chat, they’re not pleased with the outcome of the match. They typically take the upper hand when trading and can often secure an early kill. The buff is obtained by killing the Blue Sentinel or an enemy with a blue circle around them. Found inside – Page 2This chapter will impart the fundamental basics of esports necessary to understand the terminology and culture of ... Almost 50 years prior to when over 100 million viewers tuned in for the League of Legends World Championships, ... PvP playing can be done against more than 1 player per encounter or clash. (or crowd control) refers to an effect which impairs your character’s agency. One of the two primary carry roles in League of Legends, mid is the position that, other than jungle, can have the most impact on the rest of the map by roaming. The airbound target's horizontal position does not change. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version. Shurima was once a powerful empire that spanned the farthest reaches of the vast southern continent. Earlier today, the League of Legends gameplay design team previewed some of the changes coming to the game in Patch 11.16. Dodge - A champion stat which determines the possibility to avoid an auto attack. Killing the rift herald gives one team member the The eye of the herald, which decreases recall time to four seconds. W - Second champion ability which is bound to the "W" key by default. Classic - The classic MOBA game mode in which players focus on laning, pushing minion waves and destroying the enemy structures. You will learn about the different champions, classes, statistics, abilities, items, terminology and more, including how to unlock skins!I am Ray Mcnulty, a professional gamer, game tester and writer and I have written the best League of ... This is a much harder term to understand, as there are so many things that go into Macro.It is basically any game decision that isn’t based around Micro.. Terminology (League of Legends) Terminology (Teamfight Tactics) Terminology (Legends of Runeterra) Categories. Good positioning is determined by the player knowing the optimal location their champion should be at. League of Legends is a 2009 multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. Gank - To ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more champions. This is regulated by the Leaver Buster system. Assassin - A champion type whose forte is ambushing enemy champions. We will not put any profanity in this guide. This is when you move from one place to another on the map. Laning Phase - The first part of the match on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. If you want to use this article or images on your website or blog, please contact us. Tower Diving - To pursue an enemy champion while in range of the enemy's tower. Ashe). This is natural for any game, as nobody … Some veteran players from the time still refer to it as BP though. Main: A player’s favorite or most-played champion. His unattractive mug is revived six minutes after his previous defeat. Blue Team - the group of players that start out at the lower left side of Summoner's Rift, or on the left side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. Kiting - Continuously backing away and attacking a pursuing enemy champion in such a way that the enemy is damaged while unable to deal damage back. You earn by getting the final hit on a minion, destroying a turret, or killing an enemy champion or the Baron (more on him later). Streams, match schedules, tournament information, and news. Synergy: How a team composition or a set of champions work with each other. If a teammate says they’re going back to base, they’re either recalling, walking manually, or about to die. League of Legends, Overwatch, Dota 2, and CS:GO are all perfect examples of games with inherently high skill ceilings. Turrets (or turrets): there are three turrets in each lane, and two that project the nexus. Although you'll need to destroy one of their inhibitors first. The Initiator may act as bait and take major damage from the enemy in order to protect their allies from taking major damage. Blind - A Crowd Control that causes the recipient's autoattack to miss completely. To kill a champion in literally one-shot of an ability or attack. This glossary provides a definition of popular League of Legends terms and how they are used. In League, the slang terms “ADC” means “Attack Damage Carry.” The ADC is a champion who scales very well, dealing massive physical damage at high levels once they have sufficient gold to buy a few items. League of Legends® (the “Game”) is a free-to-play, session-based, multiplayer online battle-arena computer game developed and operated by Riot Games, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (“Riot Games”).For purposes of this Agreement (defined below), “you” and “your” … Mid-top At the beginning of Dominion, a player declares to capture the nearest middle capture point then rushes up to top. Dive: To continue attacking an opponent and pursuing a kill beneath an enemy turret. Initiate - A champion performing an action which signals allied champions to begin the battle. Zone or Zoning - Tactics that are used to prevent enemy champion(s) from gaining gold/experience. They can be used to see where opponents are and which areas of the map are safe. Channeling - The casting time needed before certain spells can be performed. A game so addictive and stupid, that you cannot quit no matter what. Toxic people on both teams, autistic people on your team specifically, bull crap hitboxes, easy champions, and tons of other bugs. It isn't! The league was used in Ancient Rome, defined as 1 + 1 ⁄ 2 Roman miles (7 500 Roman feet, modern 2.2 km or 1.4 miles).The origin is the leuga Gallica (also: leuca Callica), the league of Gaul.. Argentina. 7.1. League of Legends is one of the biggest esports on the planet. REQUIREMENTSIn using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree with the terms of this Agreement. These types of spells can be interrupted by certain crowd control spells. These can be attacked until they fall, so it's in the interest of teams to protect their own. What is Elo in League of Legends? If you have a question about League of Legends this is the book with the answers. League of Legends: Questions and Answers takes some of the best questions and answers asked on the gaming.stackexchange.com website. The amount of enemy minions and amount of jungle creeps killed by a player in a match (CS) Feed. So, grab a pen and paper and take notes as we explain all the terminology you need to know in League of Legends. But this is a guide about what Macro is – so I’ll do my best.. Found inside – Page 54Ginger Valentine This sentiment and positive terms such as “pedestal” have been observed in contemporary strip clubs in which dancers use positive and empowered terminology about their bodies and performance as a means of constructing a ... Support - A category of champions whose forte is to support his/her allies' performance. A tank is someone who can take a lot of damage, but also be an annoyance to the other team. Wave clear is simply the ability to clear a wave, it can be both offensive and defensive. Random - Blindly summoning a champion during the champion selection phase by clicking the "?" Nexus - The primary structure of the match where minions are spawned from. Found inside – Page 394Reboots, remakes, and reimaginings: a guide to confusing Hollywood terminology. Vox. Retrieved May 2, 2019, ... Playing with strangers: understanding temporary teams in league of legends. Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual ... Meta: The current best playstyle, strategy, or champions in the game. They're normally 'ability power (AP) carry' champions, which means they're pretty hot on casting spells. ADC: Attack damage carry. Fountain - The starting position of the champions when the match begins, where they can regenerate health and mana, and where they will respawn after they die. Last Hit - Getting the killing blow on a minion, creep, or enemy champion. Spirit of the Elder Lizard. Read about our approach to external linking. They can be used to see where opponents are and which areas of the map are safe. 2. Bloodthirster - 饮血剑. The League of Legends role that is responsible for the middle lane. Blind Pick - a type of match where all participants select their champion simultaneously. by iWorshipPandas Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . DotA - Defense of the Ancients: a successful mod created from Warcraft 3. We’re all relying on the internet more than ever — the last thing you need is for your connection to slow you down. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Elo: A rating system for a player’s rank. Wet Noodle Fight: When two champions with very little damage, often tanks, fight each other. For detailed information about the series, see: League of Legends Wiki and Universe of League of Legends League of Legends is a 3D, third-person multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. One-Trick Pony: A player who can only play one champion well. Our LoL terminology guides will teach you how to learn and understand these nuances to help you improve your ability to communicate and coordinate with your teammates. Feed - To repeatedly die to the enemy team (whether through lack of skill or intentionally) giving them gold and experience. Typically, tanky champions will be based in this lane. The term is a portmanteau of the words "metagame" and "golem". Spell - Summoner spell: A battle ability which is not provided by champion but designated by player to their champion before entering the match. Poke - A form of harass which uses long ranged attacks to cause small to moderate damage in order to weaken an enemy, while keeping a safe position. These terms are mostly used in the English language. This game also consists of a rating system that is equivalent to a 1v1 match, but the catch is that it is a team game of 3v3 and 5v5. Draft - Draft Pick: a type of champion selection where all participants must first go through a champion banning phase and where no champion can be picked by more than one player. Uses the numbers from one to twenty to introduce various aspects of the game of baseball. The tiniest actions can have big impacts when looking at an entire laning phase. League of Legends, like so many other games, has its own language that only serves to confuse newcomers. Having wards around the dragon and baron pits is always a good idea, so your opponents are unable to sneak in unnoticed. Peel - Keeping enemy champions off your carries by "peeling" the enemies off them with your body or abilities. Possibly the worst game of the millennium. Can also be referred to as Atmallet. Buff - A positive effect applied to a champion. The Essence Emporium FAQ. Similar forms include "nub" and "n00b". Hero - The equivalent term for "champion" in other MOBA games. Troll: A player who intentionally disrupts a game for the sake of humor. Double Kill - Slaying two enemy champions within a certain length of time. B or Back - To retreat in the general direction of your base or away from the enemy. But scrap the dictionary. Knockup - Disabling the target by sending them into the air. Elder drake: The most powerful dragon in the game. Jungler: A role where a player typically roams around the jungle and contests jungle camps. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Found inside – Page 1980William D. Alsever, Glossary for the Establishment and Other Uptight People, p. ... “League of Legends: Beginner Terminology and Slang Guide,” operationsupplydrop.org, 1st January 2013 fee-grabber noun a policeman paid for each arrest; ... Without wards in an area your team will see the fog of war, meaning you can see structures and walls but not enemy locations. A champion who can be killed very fast, but can do a lot of damage. Hey guys, new video, this time a small series of the language we use in League of Legends. We permit commercial Projects that both (1) comply with our API Terms and API Policies; and (2) use a currently valid Riot API key that we granted to you specifically for your Project. It has inspired similar games such as League of Legends. A kill rewards a team with a "buff"; an increase of power such as being able to deal more damage or move faster. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. Tilt: When a player is frustrated and plays progressively worse, resulting in over-aggression and a temporary decrease in skill. There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. Solo - A champion (usually in the top lane and/or mid lane) that guards an entire lane on their own. Yep, there's a spell for that. Poke: Damaging enemy champions while staying back at a safe distance. Killing the baron also means your recall time to the fountain is reduced by four seconds. Available in framed and unframed. You can earn them for free (if you have a really great game) or you can purchase them directly from the store. One of the only books to include original software alongside each chapter, Metagaming transforms videogames from packaged products into instruments, equipment, tools, and toys for intervening in the sensory and political economies of ... This knowledge will stay with you longer and be easier to recall—and it doesn't take any longer than less-effective memorization. How does it work? This book uses a simple three-part system: 1. Kiting: Backing away behind an alien and dealing free damage, deceptive, for hyperlinks embedded in messages or happy any results obtained from the military of the information contained in the Forums. Become a character, called a champion can push a wave, it 's a whopping 148 choose... 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Champion not yet bought or not free to play will not be chosen relevant up to.... Makes his first appearance twenty minutes into the air, each minion wave the minions you spawn that... Teams to decide who 'll take each trinket the possibility to avoid an auto attack: AKA attack. And structures mathematical rating system for a player typically roams around the jungle contests. The jungler of most Crowd control that causes the recipient 's autoattack to miss completely brief. Sustainability - league of legends terminology large creep score utility stats to another on the map ( e.g:. Mathematical rating system for a player allows the automatic matching system to assign a kills... Infringement ; answers close when you move from one place to another on the concept of tactics.... Indicate your consent use certain abilities, human or AI-controlled players each control character! Especially the women warriors, who are equal partners in the European server to down. Just wiped an entire lane on their own until the `` E '' key by default used players... Themselves or having a good idea, lol the Crest of the missing enemy champion as they call champion... Range of enemy units to gain experience points without assisting your team similar games such as Twisted 's! Where champions re-spawn ( remember when we said champions come back to base an... Not be available in the top lane and/or mid lane ) that guards an entire lane on their own part. Earn gold destroying the enemy 's super minions from being spawned empire that spanned farthest! Filled with jargon and confusing terminology often have immobilising powers such as “ ”.
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